

, Posted by ADMIN at 12:24 PM

TANCET entrance exam for PG studies in Anna university and Affiliated Colleges will be held on 30th and 31th of May 2010. The Syllabus for all the branch of study is given below. And also the model question paper for all the branch has been uploaded.

Here (Page No) implies the page where the questions of repective branch is present.

Click the Link below for download

TANCET QUESTION PAPERS for ME, MBA and MCA 2008,2009 and 2010



Currently have 3 comments:

  1. Anonymous says:

    good work yar... i need mca and mba materials can u help me.....

  1. karthiaero says:

    hey for mech aero auto... u hav uploaded some other dept.. kindly hv a look at it

  1. ramya says:

    hai... i need the tancet model question paper for EEE